Calendar & Events


NewPath Calendar

Check out the calendar below for the most up-to-date, new and recurring events, here at Newpath Church! Get connected. CLICK ON AN EVENT TO GET MORE DETAILS.

Sunday Service

We encourage you to join us at one of our campuses.

Raleigh NC:

Café: 8:45 - 9:15am

Worship/Service: 9:15am

Newpath Kids: 9:15am

Durham NC:

Worship/Service: 11:00 am

This Sunday we will be kicking off our ten week series called The Abiding Challenge based on John 15:1-7.

Online Broadcast

If you are unable to attend either Sunday service in person the video broadcast will be available real time on Facebook and YouTube.

Newpath Youtube channel:

Newpath Raleigh Facebook page:

Newpath Durham Facebook Page:

Events & Opportunities

Meet & Greet Every Sunday at 10:30 am at the Raleigh Campus

We would love to meet you! We will be holding a Meet and Greet every Sunday after the service in the back left of the sanctuary as you exit. Come and introduce yourself to one of our Newpath Pastors

Voter Registration Drive

Newpath will sponsor a voter registration drive before and after the service in the Cafe on Sunday, September 22nd. There will be a form to complete in person to register to vote. You must be 18 years old by November 5th to register. Contact Lyn Haft ( with any questions.

CORE Night - September 27th 7:00 pm

Freedom Night will be called "CORE" (Connect, Overcome, Renew, Encounter) during the months of The Abiding Challenge series. This month's meeting is Friday, September 27th from 7:00 - 9:00 pm at the Raleigh Campus. Join us for a powerful word from Pastor Perry of Shekinah Glory Ministries.

Men's Breakfast - September 28th 9:00 am

Calling all men to join us for our men’s breakfast on Saturday, September 28th from 9:00 – 11:00 am at Newpath Durham (922 Ninth St, Durham). Alan Colburn will share his testimony.

Ladies Breakfast - October 19th 9:30 am

The Bible's Answer to Mental and Emotional Health

The bible is very clear; God tells us as Christians, we will face trials, temptations, and trouble - especially in the last days. Yet God also says that we can live and have peace. Join us Saturday, October 19th from 9:30-11:30 am at the Raleigh Campus for a wonderful time of fellowship and a look into the bible's prescription for emotional, mental and spiritual wellness.

Discovery Class - 1st and 2nd Sunday of Every Month, 4:00 pm

Note: Discovery classes will be postponed until January of 2025

We invite anyone who might be interested in joining Newpath to participate in our Discovery Classes. We will meet in the classroom behind the stage on Sunday afternoons from 4:00 – 5:30 pm. You will learn about being a God-first and Spirit-led follower of Christ, the ministry of Newpath church and about how God designed your personality, spiritual gifts and specific passions in your life. Directions: As you look toward the stage and to the right of it, there are double doors. Go through those doors and take a left at the corner. The classroom is the second door on the left.

If you are a new guest or if you’ve been coming for a while and have never participated in the classes, please come and join us! New members will receive certificates of membership at the next New Members Sunday. Come and be a part of the Newpath family. Contact Ann Johnson at for more information.

Volunteer Opportunities

As we grow, Newpath needs more volunteers for our Sunday Serving Teams (Greeters, Hospitality/Coffee, Children's Welcome Desk & Security, Tech, Worship, Children's Teachers/Helpers). We have also launched a new team for Events (i.e. Super Bowl, July 4th, Christmas Banquet etc.). If you are interested in serving on any of those teams please identify which team you are most interested in on the Connection Card and drop it in the Tithing Box at the back of the sanctuary when you leave and the team leader will contact you with details.

Baptism Impact Team Opportunity

The Baptism Impact Team is recruiting volunteers to help in the upcoming and future baptisms. If you are interested in volunteering for photographer, female or male host to help individuals get ready and monitor the restroom, or helping with setting up of the baptismal tank please contact Kathi McFadden at


Divorce Care Ministry - Sundays 6:30 - 8:30 pm

A 13-week video-based support group program where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. The group will meet Sunday nights from 6:30-8:30 pm in the Raleigh Campus Classroom. Paul & Lu Meares will be the facilitators (

Please register here: enter zipcode 27613 for Newpath Church

Worship Ministry - Tuesday 7:00 - 9:00 pm

The Worship Team practices weekly on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm at the Raleigh Campus.

Pre-Service Prayer Ministry - Sundays 8:15 - 8:45 am 

Come join us in the Raleigh Cafe at 8:15-8:45 a.m. for prayer before the service. We would love to have you come join in prayer and in spirit. All are invited.

Newpath Youth Ministry - Sunday's

Youth group meets Sundays from 6:30 - 8:00 pm at the church in the Youth Room. The Youth study scripture, application to today and have fun and fellowship with each other.


Children's Ministry - Sunday 9:15 - 10:30 am

Children's Ministry (nursery through 5th grade) is open. Check-in is 9:00-9:15 a.m. in the foyer. A doorbell will be used to get in for late arrival parents. Parents must use tags to pick up their children. Please pick your children up as soon as the service is over as we have a quick turnaround to sanitize and be ready for the Point Church at 11:00 a.m. service. Check out our rocking chair room where parents can soothe their infants when needed.

First Fruits Prayer & Connect Ministry - 1st Saturday of the Month

We invite you to meet at Newpath Raleigh and gather in the Sanctuary for Powerful Prayer. Start your month giving God your best on each 1st Saturday of the month from 2:00 - 4:00 pm. Capture God's heart with personal surrender and prayer for those who don't know Jesus yet. Event is led by Deborah Moss, Prayer Ministry Coordinator.

"...for we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved..." 2 Cor 2:15

Prayer & Connection Ministry - 3rd Saturday of the Month 2:00 - 4:30 pm

You are invited to join Grace & Raju Manchala for prayer & connection every 3rd Saturday of each month in the Newpath Cafe from 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm. Grace & Raju are leaders of the new YWAM missions organization in Raleigh along with Waleed & Hannah Hamza. If you have a heart for missions and ministry please join them. No sign up needed, just show up!

Adopt a Student Ministry

Purpose: to support our graduates who attend or whose family attends Newpath Church through encouragement, care packages and prayer.  

Focus: to retain our graduates who are in college, military, or working who have gone away from home. We want to remind the students that they:

1) Belong to Jesus, that He is ALWAYS with them, that He LOVES them and that He has an awesome PLAN for their life!

2) Have a church home that LOVES them and CARES about them and wants to SUPPORT them!

Requirements for Sponsors: Groups/families that participate in the program are required to:

  • Commit for at least 1 school year (September-May).
  • Contact the student at least once a month through cards, care packages, notes.  
  • Send the student a Care Package at least once a semester. Care packages are especially appreciated around midterms and finals as well as just because! 
  • Pray for the student daily or as often as possible.  
  • Send the student a card on his/her birthday.

How to Sign Up

To register your student please click this link and complete the online form!

Once students are signed up, each student will be paired with a family or individual who is a member of Newpath and has been approved by the Pastors ahead of time. The family adopting your student has committed to sending your student cards, notes and care packages throughout the school year.

Please contact Pastor Jenny at 919-624-7862 or Mr. Jim at 919-609-4093 if you are interested in finding out more information or would like to adopt a student!

Durham Care Ministry

Newpath Durham is looking for volunteers to serve in a new Care Ministry team. This team ministers to people with food needs (i.e. home from the hospital, Covid-19) and those who have experienced a loss in the family (bereavement). Contact Beverly Goodrich for more information.


There are several ways of giving to Newpath Church.

Raleigh Campus: You can drop your check/cash in the offering bucket during or after the service, send a check to PO Box 90984, Raleigh, NC 27675, give online at (click the Give link at the top of the home page, then click the Give Online button) or download the CHURCHCENTER mobile app and give via your smart phone.

Durham Campus: You can drop your check/cash in the offering bucket during or after the service or send a check to the office at the location below. You can also give online at (click the Give link at the top of the home page, then click the Give Online button).